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Maxima Degreaser

Current price: $13.99

Heavy-duty, non-flammable degreaser specifically designed to remove lube, dirt, mud, sand and other contaminants from bike drivetrains. Unique and proprietary formulation thoroughly cleans all bike drivetrains without harming rubber o-rings or metal surfaces. Non-toxic, non-flammable and eco-friendly formulation contains no VOCs, harmful acids, CFC’s or solvents and is 50 state VOC compliant. Makes a great all-purpose wash when diluted 10:1 with water.


  • Specially designed for bike drivetrains
  • Professional strength formulation
  • Safe on o-rings and metal surfaces
  • 100% biodegradable
  • Contains no VOC's, harmful acids, CFC's or solvents
  • Non-flammable


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*All specifications and prices listed are subject to change without notice.
Actual weight may vary due to manufacturing tolerances, color variations, frame size and variability in production components.