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Kryptonite Evolution Mini Series U-Lock

Current price: $89.95 - $106.95


  • Kryptonite’s lightest weight u-lock option at 730 grams - 39% lighter than the Evolution Mini-5
  • 11mm hardened new max-performance steel shackle material allows reduction of shackle diameter while maintaining the performance standards of the Evolution Mini-5, Mini-7 & Mini-9
  • New patent pending bent foot double deadbolt design
  • Higher security disc-style cylinder is pick and drill resistant
  • Reinforced cuff over crossbar and cylinder for extra security
  • 3 stainless steel keys — including new key design and one led replaceable key fob
  • Key safe program
  • Product dimensions: 2.75” x 6” (7cm x 15.2cm)
  • Product weight: 1.60 lbs (.73 kgs)


13mm hardened max-performance steel shackle resists bolt cutters and leverage attacks
Patent-pending hardened double deadbolt design gives additional protection against twist attacks
New sliding dustcover
New double deadbolt design
Higher security disc-style cylinder is pick and drill resistant.
Includes flexframe-U bracket providing convenient multi-location U-lock transport
3 stainless steel keys — including new key design and one LED replaceable key FOB
Protective vinyl coating
Key Safe Program
Sizes: 8.3cm x 24.1cm, 8.2cm x 17.8cm, 7cm x 15, 8.3cm x 14.0cm


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*All specifications and prices listed are subject to change without notice.
Actual weight may vary due to manufacturing tolerances, color variations, frame size and variability in production components.