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Starlight CF 寬楦碳纖底雙旋鈕車鞋
Current price: NT$5,800
Liv Starlight CF 寬楦碳纖底雙旋鈕車鞋專為亞洲人設計,提供更寬敞的楦頭和無縫式鞋面,帶來極佳的包覆性與舒適性。搭載 BOA L6 雙旋鈕系統,輕鬆調整更穩定。100% 碳纖維鞋底具備12硬度,確保動力傳導效率最大化,後跟的魚鱗倒刺設計提供更好的止滑效果和腳踝穩定性,適合追求高效能的車手 Liv Starlight CF Wide Fit Carbon Sole Double BOA Dial Cycling Shoes are designed specifically for Asians, featuring a wider toe box and seamless upper for superior comfort and support. Equipped with the BOA L6 double dial system, they allow for easy and precise adjustments, offering enhanced stability. The 100% carbon fiber sole with a 12 stiffness rating ensures maximum power transfer efficiency. The fish-scale spike design on the heel provides improved slip resistance and ankle stability, making these shoes ideal for high-performance riders.