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Sporty 長袖防風刷毛保暖車衣 (外套)

Current price: NT$4,280
Liv Sporty 長袖防風刷毛保暖車衣(外套)專為騎行者設計,採用雙層刷毛保暖布料,具備輕潑水、防風及保暖功能,確保您在各種天氣下保持舒適。超彈性布料提供優秀的擋風效果,緊貼身形,讓您在運動時自由靈活。YKK 雙向拉鍊設計使您能輕鬆調節騎乘溫度,三個防止下垂的後口袋安全存放隨身物品,而矽膠圓點下擺帶則確保車衣(外套)穩固貼合,是追求性能與舒適的完美選擇
Liv Sporty Long Sleeve Windproof Brushed Fabric Warm Cycling Jacket is designed specifically for cyclists. It features a double-layer brushed fabric that provides light water resistance and warmth, ensuring comfort in various weather conditions. The highly elastic fabric offers excellent wind protection while fitting snugly to the body, allowing for freedom and flexibility during exercise. The YKK two-way zipper design makes it easy to adjust the riding temperature, while the three rear pockets prevent sagging and securely store your essentials. The silicone dot waistband ensures the jacket (or outerwear) stays firmly in place, making it the perfect choice for those seeking both performance and comfort.


- YKK 雙向拉鍊設計,不論什麼天氣,都可以透過拉鍊輕易調節騎乘的溫度
- 配備三個防止下垂的後口袋設計,能安全存放各種隨身物品
- 全件採用雙層刷毛保暖布料,有效達到輕潑水、防風與保暖功效
- 超彈性布料,有效擋風同時保持身形貼合
- 在運動時保有靈活的特性,享受無拘無束的騎行樂趣
- 矽膠圓點下擺帶能有效確保車衣穩固貼合

- YKK two-way zipper design allows for easy temperature adjustment during rides, regardless of the weather.
- Equipped with three rear pockets that prevent sagging, providing secure storage for your essentials.
- Made with double-layer brushed fabric, offering effective light water resistance, windproofing, and warmth.
- Highly elastic fabric effectively blocks the wind while maintaining a close fit to the body.
- Retains flexibility during exercise, allowing you to enjoy unrestricted cycling freedom.
- The silicone dot waistband ensures the jacket stays securely in place.


