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Rev Mips Helmet

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Don’t settle for less than the best. Rev’s attractive design, effective ventilation and cutting edge technologies make it the proven choice for performance-minded female road riders. Ditch the drip with highly evaporative and bacteria-inhibiting helmet padding, your best kept secret on long summer road climbs.


  • MIPS-sikkerhedssystem
  • AirFlow-kølesystem med 21 ventilationsåbninger udvidet med en stor ventilationsåbning i midten
  • 5 mikroskaller af polycarbonat giver et aggressivt design til landevejskørsel
  • Internal Structural Shell (ISS) i polycarbonat med underskum
  • Remspænder og Cinch Pro™-tilpasningssystem holder LiteForm™-polstringen sikkert på plads

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