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How to Ride Roll Downs and Drop Offs

How to Progress to Riding Roll Downs and Drop Offs 

Riding drop-offs on your mountain bike can be intimidating, but you can conquer your fears! Start by working on rolling down obstacles before trying to drop off of them and start small! Check out our tips for riding drops! 

Looking to take your mountain biking skills to the next level? Here’s the deal:

The best and quickest way to improve your mountain biking skills is to take a skills clinic with a professional mountain bike instructor. If you’re unsure of your skill level, reaching out to a mountain bike coach in your area is a great place to start. Mountain biking is a dynamic sport – there are many different ways to approach a feature and we may not have covered all of those different ways in this tutorial. Always ride within your limits and do not attempt risky maneuvers when riding alone. Mountain biking is awesome, but does come with inherent risks – be safe, be smart and have fun!

Want to learn the basics? Click below for beginner mountain biking tips!