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How to Store Multiple Bikes and Gear in Small Spaces

Learn How to Create an Indoor Storage Unit for Multiple Bikes and Gear

When you love cycling but don’t have the luxury of a garage or outdoor storage, you need a place to store your bikes that will keep them secure and add a little pizazz to your home décor. So, why not have a one-stop shop for loading up multiple bikes, organizing bike tools, clothing and gear, and displaying all your awesome cycling books and knick-knacks?

Yup, this is possible and totally attainable – if you are an avid DIY-er!

Don't miss our video collaboration with Lowes Home Improvement on YouTube

Why We Love It

Everything about this multi-purpose shelving unit screams, “I love to ride my bike!” Keep all your favorite bikes and accessories easy-access while displaying them seamlessly in your home or apartment with this ultimate small-space organizer. If you are creative, you can get fancy with the number of shelves you use and the spacing to build the perfect place for each of your cycling gear items.


  • Cordless Drill
  • Table Saw
  • Sander
  • Ruler
  • Stud finder or Toggle Bolts
  • Level

Storage Unit Tools


If you don’t have a table saw, you can most likely get your wood cut to size when you purchase it!

  • (2) Shelf Unit Sides: 67 3/4 X 16 inches (172 X 41 cm) pre-finished (one side) 3/4 inch (20 mm) plywood
  • (5) Shelves: 16 X 16 inches (41 X 41 cm) pre-finished (one side) 3/4 inch (20 mm) plywood
  • (2) Shelf Mounting Backs: 16 X 7 inches (41 X 18 cm) pre-finished (one side) 3/4 inch (20 mm) plywood
  • Wood stain or paint (optional)
  • 1 1/2 inch cabinet assembly screws
  • Kobalt garage storage rail cut to 16 inches (41 cm)
  • (2) Kobalt storage rail bike hooks
  • (4) 8-32 x 1 inch screws
  • (4) 8-32  nut insert plates
  • (4) 3 inch Cabinet screws or toggle bolts to mount to wall

Storage Unit Supplies

Make It!

  1. Use a table saw to cut the wood to the desired sizes in the supply list.
  2. Since you purchased the pre-finished (one side) wood, as you assemble your shelf unit make sure the finished sides are facing inward and each shelf has the finished side on top. It is much more difficult to paint or stain the inside of your shelf, so using this type of wood will allow you to skip a step!
  3. Fasten the 2 shelf pieces at the top and bottom of the shelf unit sides using cabinet assembly screws.
  4. Fasten the remaining 3 shelves to the shelf unit sides with cabinet assembly screws, spaced 16 inches (41 cm) apart, if you would like each of your shelves to be the same height.
  5. Fasten the 2 shelf mounting backs to the top and bottom shelf opening on the backside of the shelf unit to create a surface to anchor the unit to the wall.
  6. Fill screw head holes on sides with body filler if you plan to paint the outside of the shelf unit and wood filler if you plan to stain, let dry and sand.
  7. Mask off the shelve openings using painters tape and paint or stain the outside of the shelf as desired.
  8. Once dry, fasten the Kobalt storage rail to the top of whichever side you would like to hang your bikes from using the 8-32 x 1-inch screws and the nut plates (if unable to find the nut plates use a 1 1/2  inch screw and regular 8-32 lock nuts). Kobalt Bike Hanger
  9. Using a ruler, mark two spots for your cabinet screws close to the edge of the shelf mounting back on both the top and the bottom of the unit.
  10. Drill pilot holes using a drill bit the same size as the shank of your screws.
  11. You can mount your rack two different ways: 1.) You can use a stud finder to mount your shelf securely to the wall. 2.) If you can’t find a stud where you want to mount your shelf, you can use toggle bolts. Toggle bolts will allow you to securely fasten the shelf to the wall without a stud, just follow the instructions on the package.
  12. The best way to ensure your shelving unit is straight is to set the unit on a box or crate that is the desired height off the ground. This way, you can mount it yourself without anyone having to hold it straight! Mount on Wall
  13. Secure the shelf to the wall using cabinet screws and hang your bikes off the side of the unit by the wheel. Alternating front and rear wheels will enable you to hang the bikes closer together. Adorn your shelf with decorations and/or cycling gear. Nice job!

Mistakes to Avoid

When storing your bike, here are some things you should NEVER do:

  • Never store your bike dirty for long periods of time. Dirt left on your bike’s frame can damage the finish and any water can cause rusting, bolts to seize or other damage
  • Never keep your bike outside overnight. The elements can cause your bike or its components to rust, not to mention it could easily be stolen!
  • Never store your bike where it could fall on the derailleur, is leaning against something on the derailleur or laying on the ground with the drivetrain down. You risk bending or breaking this important (and expensive) part.
  • Never store your bike upside down if you have hydraulic disc brakes. When the bike is upside down, air can travel in through the calipers more easily, causing squishy or non-existent braking.

Now Go Hang your Bike!

Check out our other bike storage solutions:

How to Make a Bike Hook out of Pipe Fittings

How to Make a Wall-Mounted Shelf to Hang Your Bike