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Get Your Printable Fix-a-Flat Zine

from Liv Racing athletes AYESHA MCGOWAN and SAM SCIPIO

So, you’ve watched Liv’s videos and read all about how to fix a flat tire for with tubes or tubeless systems… but, you’re still not sure you’ve got the steps down to fix-a-flat on your own? Sam Scipio has designed an easy, printable zine that you can put in your pocket or pack! It pairs perfectly with Ayesha McGowan’s bike basics tips, recorded live for Facebook, which you can find HERE>

Click HERE to download the printable ZINE!

Click HERE to download the Zine en español!

Want more tips from Ayesha? Follow Ayesha on Instagram and Facebook for more helpful how-tos. Like THIS VIDEO on commuting tips!

Follow Sam on Instagram and Facebook.

Thanks to SRAM for their support!