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Congratulations on your new bike. We’re sure you can’t wait to take it out for a spin, but before you do we highly recommend that you register it by completing the registration form. By doing so, you will help make it easier for us, or one of our licensed dealers, to service any warranty claim you might have.

Step completed

Introdu seria produsului pe care vrei sa-l inregistrezi:

You're registering a . This bike has an integrated battery lock. Please enter the key number:

Step completed

Step completed

Purchased at:

{{ errorPointOfPurchase }}
Select the retailer where you bought the product:
{{ errorDealerSelect }}
  • {{ item.Name | limitTo : 35 }}{{item.Name.length > 35 ? '..' : ''}}


    {{ item.DistanceToFormat }} KM | {{ item.City }} {{ item.State }}

  • No stores found
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Step completed

Please add a photo of your receipt (JPG, PNG or PDF files are accepted):


{{ errorPurchaseDate }}

În cazul oricăror probleme legate de garanție, te rugăm să contactezi în primul rând distribuitorul local. Dacă nu reuseste să rezolve problema, vor lua legătura cu noi.

Deoarece produsul nu a fost cumpărat de la un comerciant din sistemul nostru, va trebui să verificăm înregistrările de pe bicicletă pentru a ne asigura că se aplică garanția. Te rugăm să trimiti o cerere și te vom contacta cat mai curand posibil pentru confirmare.

{{ errorConfirmation }}

Barcode indication image regular bikes

Barcode indication image ebikes

Produsul tau

{{Registration.Partnumber.Color}} | {{Registration.Partnumber.Size}}
Serial number: {{Registration.Registration.SerialNumber}}
Product number: {{Registration.Registration.PartnumberCode}}
Lock number: {{Registration.Registration.LockNumber}}

Contact info

{{Registration.Registration.FirstName}} {{Registration.Registration.LastName}}
{{Registration.Registration.City}}, {{Registration.Registration.State}}, {{Registration.Registration.PostalCode}}
{{Registration.Registration.Email}}, {{Registration.Registration.Phone}}
Date of birth: {{Registration.Registration.BirthDateToFormat}}

Point of purchase

Purchased at: {{Registration.Dealer.Name}}
Purchase date: {{Registration.Registration.BuyDateToFormat}}
Please specify where the bike was purchased: {{Registration.Registration.PointOfPurchaseLocationDescription}}
Purchase date: {{Registration.Registration.BuyDateToFormat}}
Iti multumim ca ne-ai contactat. Iti multumim ca ne-ai contactat. Iti vom raspunde in cel mai scurt timp posibil.