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Nie zatrzymujcie mnie teraz: Poznajcie Edwinę Brocklesby (ENG)

London, England

Edwina “Eddie” Brocklesby isn’t letting anything get in the way of what she can do or what she is capable of accomplishing. Eddie is pushing her own limits and by doing so, encouraging and inspiring others to follow.

It was at the age of 52 that Eddie laced up her running shoes to complete her first marathon, and soon after followed her son’s example to enter a triathlon. She found comfort in the therapeutic nature of sport, the community that surrounded her, and the renewed energy that greeted her each morning.

At age 72, when Eddie became the oldest British woman to complete an Ironman triathlon, she adopted the nickname, Irongran.

Eddie has traveled the world and completed marathons, ultra-distance cycling events, triathlons, and Ironman-distance races. Now 77, Irongran remains committed as ever to pursuing her love of an active lifestyle and sharing this love with others.

“I want to encourage other women to get the fun out of sport and exercise that I have had,” she says.

“It’s not to get us oldies living longer, but enable us to live life to the full, independently and happily, looking good for our age with Queen on the iPod: Don't stop me now.”

Eddie recognized that the barrier to an active lifestyle for many was finding a welcoming, inclusive community. With the intention of breaking down this barrier, she founded Silverfit in 2013, a nonprofit organization focused on promoting lifelong fitness by providing a space for individuals of any age to stay active, feel included, and support one another. In 2019, Eddie sought to further inspire others to follow in her footsteps, with her book, “Irongran: How Keeping Fit Taught Me that Growing Older Needn’t Mean Slowing Down.”

“If I can start to run at 50 and become the oldest British woman to complete an Ironman, everyone should realize it's never too late.”

Curious about getting started, but not sure how?

  1. Tap into your community for programs and training groups—community centers, senior centers, running stores, and bike shops.
  2. Check out Liv’s How-To Guides for tips and tricks on getting started with triathlon.
  3. Follow Irongran herself on Instagram.

Photos: Susanne Hakuba