자전거 스템은 자전거가 당신에게 어떻게 맞는지, 라이딩 중 자전거가 어떻게 핸들링되는지에 중요한 역할을 합니다. 길이는 다양하며, 산악 자전거 타는 사람은 짧은 줄기를 선호하고 로드 자전거는 긴 줄기를 선호합니다. 아래 선택 항목에는 모두를 위한 무언가가 있습니다.
MTB stems are usually shorter as this results in more control, whereas road stems are longer to provide a more aerodynamic position. However, if you feel too stretched out on your road bike, then switching to a shorter stem can put you in a more upright riding position and improve your long term comfort. We would always recommend opting for a professional bike fit or consulting with your local bike dealer before changing any components, as even small changes can have a big effect. If you are confident in changing your MTB or road bike stem, then make sure you get these two measurements correct - the handlebar diameter and the steerer tube diameter. Match these up with your new stem to ensure both ends will fit your current setup. Feel free to get in touch for our expert advice, or contact your local retailer for further support.