Liv Velocity Social Ride on Zwift

Weekly on Thursdays at 10:45 am PST


Join us for a ladies-only social ride to meet other enthusiastic female cyclists around the globe. To relax or to improve yourself. To have a nice chat, a laugh and to get inspired. The Liv Velocity Ride on Zwift occurs every Thursday at 10:45 AM PST!
Date: Every Thursday
Time: 9:45 am PST
Pace: 1.7 - 2.2 W/KG
Route: Varies

***Ride and Win***

Every Thursday on we organize a giveaway. A IRL beatiful purple shirt with your name on it.
A different challenge every week so everyone has a chance to win.
Sneakpeak: Check our socials (Instagram or Facebook: Velocity Ladies)

Join us for a ladies-only social ride to meet other enthusiastic female cyclists around the globe.
To relax or to improve yourself. To have a nice chat, a laugh and to get inspired.
The ride leads will keep to 1.7-2.2 w/kg, but they will sometimes challenge you.
Regrouping after is key to ensure the group remains a nice big blob.
Because we just love big blobs!

First-time group riders are welcomed. The Sweep will make sure you do not drop behind.

Riders will be assigned the Liv Langma when joining the pen.
The Liv Langma is a feather-light racing bike delivering speed and strength for any climb, race or ride.

Join us at Facebook:

Join our Facebook-group:

Check our website:

Listen along to our Spotify Velocity Zwift Playlist:

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