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Thrive Advanced 1

€ 1.999

Experience the perfect combination of speed, versatility, and comfort with the Thrive Advanced – your lightweight and sleek solution for turning commutes and fitness rides into an enjoyable part of your daily routine. Featuring a carbon frame, pressure-relieving grips and saddle, and tubeless tires, ride your way to better health with ease and style.


Light and Agile

The Thrive Advanced features a lightweight and nimble Advanced-grade composite frame and fork, balanced geometry, and flat handlebar for ultimate efficiency and control.

Maximum Comfort

Take on longer rides with ease and comfort with pressure-relieving grips and saddle, as well as a shock-absorbing D-Fuse seatpost that minimizes road vibrations and bumps – ensuring a smooth and controlled ride from start to finish.

Functional Versatility

The carbon flip chip – dropout allows you to easily adjust the geometry and tire clearance, giving you more versatility and customization options to suit your riding style and terrain. Switch to the short position for quicker handling and a maximum tire clearance of 40c, or choose the long position for stability at speed and increased tire clearance up to 45c.


Advanced Composite Technology
D-Fuse Sattelstütze
Tubeless System

Größenhilfe und Geometrie

Die Größen- und Geometriedaten stellen eine Orientierung für dich dar. Dein lokaler GIANT- bzw. Liv-Händler hilft dir gerne, die perfekte Größe zu finden.

Selection of a button will change the units measurement displayed throughout the entire sizing guide section.
  • XS
      148 cm4’10”  to 163 cm5’4”
  • S
      158 cm5’2”  to 169 cm5’7”
  • M
      164 cm5’5”  to 175 cm5’9”
  • L
      170 cm5’7”  to 183 cm6’0”
bike diagram with measurements referenced in table that follows
Selection of a button will change the units measurement displayed throughout the entire sizing guide section.
ASitzrohrlänge (mm) (inch)35013,840015,745017,750019,7
BSitzrohrwinkel (degrees)74,5° | 74,4°74,0° | 73,9°73,5° | 73,4°73,0° | 72,9°
COberrohrlänge (mm) (inch)52520,7 | 52520,754021,3 | 54021,356022 | 5602258022,8 | 58022,8
DSteuerrohrlänge (mm) (inch)1104,31355,31656,51957,7
ESteuerrohrwinkel (degrees)70,5° | 70,5°71,0° | 71,0°71,5° | 71,5°71,5° | 71,5°
FGabel (mm) (inch)502502502502
GSpur (mm) (inch)732,9 | 75,3369,52,7 | 71,92,866,22,6 | 68,62,766,22,6 | 68,62,7
HRadstand (mm) (inch)101439,9 | 102340,3102040,2 | 103040,6103140,6 | 104141104641,2 | 105641,6
IKettenstrebenlänge (mm) (inch)42516,7 | 43517,142516,7 | 43517,142516,7 | 43517,142516,7 | 43517,1
JTretlager (mm) (inch)702,8 | 712,8702,8 | 712,8702,8 | 712,8702,8 | 712,8
KStapel (mm) (inch)53421 | 53521,156022 | 5602259023,2 | 59023,261824,3 | 61824,3
LReichweite (mm) (inch)37614,8 | 37614,838015 | 37914,938515,2 | 38515,239115,4 | 39115,4
MÜberstandshöhe (mm) (inch)68026,8 | 68026,871028 | 7102874529,3 | 74529,377030,3 | 77030,3
NLenkerbreite (mm) (inch)60023,660023,664025,264025,2
OVorbaulänge (mm) (inch)803,1803,1903,51003,9
PKurbellänge (mm) (inch)1656,51706,71706,7172,56,8
QRaddurchmesser 700C700C700C700C
  • Rahmengrößen
    XS, S, M, L
  • Farben
    AI Blue
  • Rahmen
    Advanced Carbon Rahmen, Flip Chip Ausfallende, 12x142 mm Max. Reifenfreiheit: 42mm (kurz), 47mm (lang)
  • Gabel
    Advanced Vollcarbon Gabel, OD1 Gabelschaft, 12x100 mm
  • Dämpfer
  • Lenker
    GIANT Sport Flat
  • Griffe
    Liv ErgoContact
  • Vorbau
    Giant Contact
  • Sattelstütze
    GIANT D-Fuse
  • Sattel
    Liv ErgoMax
  • Pedale
    nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten
  • Schalthebel
    Shimano SL-RS700, 2x11-fach
  • Umwerfer
    Shimano 105
  • Schaltwerk
    Shimano 105 GS, 11-fach
  • Bremsen
    Tektro HD-R280, 160 mm
  • Bremshebel
    Tektro HD-R280
  • Kasette
    Shimano 105, 11-34T
  • Kette
    KMC X-11
  • Kurbelsatz
    FSA Omega, 48/32T Kettenblätter, 45mm Kettenlinie
  • Tretlager
    FSA Pressfit
  • Felgen
    GIANT P-R2 Disc, Tubeless Ready
  • Naben
    GIANT P-R2 Disc
  • Speichen
    GIANT P-R2 Disc
  • Reifen
    GIANT Gavia Fondo AR, 700x40c, Tubeless Ready, 60 TPI Auslieferung schlauchlos
  • Extras
    Tubeless Kit (Dichtmittel,Ventile, Reifenheber,Ventilkernwerkzeug, Bedienungsanleitung)
  • Gepäckträger
    kompatibel mit GIANT Rack-It Metro (Lite)
  • Gewicht

Spezifikations-, Preis- und Farbänderungen vorbehalten.

Spezifikations-, Preis- und Farbänderungen vorbehalten.